Voyage Minnie
Minnie is a successor of the popular Metr Pro CAN module. It comes with the BE-180 GPS module and with 16 MB of built-in flash memory. Therefore, it does not require an SD card for offline ride logging. Logs can be automatically synced with cloud using the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi. There are two CAN ports that allow daisy chaining. Minnie is compatible with the Metr mobile app as well as with the VESC Tool.
Main features
Ride logging. 16 MB flash memory. Log visualisation on Google Maps (see example).
Smart BMS integration. Cell voltages, charge current, balancing info. Ennoid BMS, FlexiBMS, DieBieMS, Daly BMS.
Mobile app. Easy setup. Change VESC settings. Riding modes. Parts lifespan tracking.
Connectivity. BLE, Wi-Fi, CAN bus, GPS.

Compatible mobile apps

Voyage Connect
Official Voyage Systems app for Megan and Minnie. Recommended for new users. Simple UI, excellent Voyage Cloud integration.

Recommended for changing the VESC settings. When used with Megan or Minnie, secure BLE connection is established that requires device pairing. Unlike using cheap BLE modules, you are not exposing yourself to a risk of other users messing up with your VESC setup.

Supports Megan, Minnie, as well as the Metr Pro and Metr Pro CAN modules. Compared to Voyage Connect, metr has several extra features. However, it is also more difficult to use and does not integrate with Voyage Cloud as smoothly.